Chantal Parise

Pleine Mer

Oil on canvas
x 73 cm


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About Chantal Parise :

The oil paintings by Chantal Parise are full of colors, movement and texture. One can feel the emotion of the beauty of landscapes: fields of poppies or sea views from the South of France and Corsica mainly.

Chantal Parise started her career as a dancer. She kept from that period a real taste for movement, rich and vibrant colors, travelling and discovering lively landscapes.

Chantal Parise's painting is exhibited since many years in France, Switzerland and in many galleries in Lyon, Les Baux de Provence, Aix-en-Provence and Corsica, ... (Crozatier Gallery, Galerie Mistral, Clemengis Gallery, Gallery Langlois, Gallery Guichard, Golden Gallery, ...).


    Les Chromalies - Lion's Club, Valence
    A3F,  Mulhouse
    Société Lyonnaise des Beaux Arts, Lyon
    SIAC, Marseille
    Editeur International Graphics, Berlin
    Galerie Horizon, Genève
    Art Shopping, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris
    Salle des Editions, Gordes
    Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs, Gordes
    Grand Palais, Salon des Artistes Français, Paris
    Maison des Avocats, Lyon


    Médaille d'Or du 50° anniversaire du salon, Bourgoin
    Premier Prix de peinture à l'huile, Pont de Vaux
    Prix des Amis des Arts, Bourgoin