Ko + follow


    Mixed media and collages on canvas
    x 89 cm


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    About Ko :

    Corine Ko

    Corine Ko, painter and photographer

    In Corine Ko's artistic work, photography and painting are inseparably intertwined. She reworks her photos with a painter's eye, integrating heterogeneous elements that transform them into true digital collages. Conversely, photography physically merges into the canvas, giving it both a soul and a body, which the painting then clothes in color.

    Occasionally, torn pieces of paper, such as lace paper or printed paper, are added to bring relief and animate the surface with vivid touches of color. These silhouettes, without clearly defined contours, are shaped by color, which gives them life as it escapes and spreads, temporarily dissolving the established forms.

    What immediately stands out in Ko’s painting is the freedom of color, which often exceeds the boundaries of forms, dominating an environment without spatial or temporal reference points.

    In this flat space, where figures sometimes seem suspended or in balance, the thread becomes the sole point of connection with the world and between individuals. This connection, this thread, may be one of the keys to understanding this enigmatic and poetic work.

    This thread, running from one painting to another like an obsessive motif, is much more than a simple accessory: it symbolizes life, a guiding thread that links the works together, giving the painting direction and meaning.

    From one piece to another, a feminine universe emerges, full of sensuality, poetry, softness, and mystery.

    Originally from the Paris region, Corine Ko has lived and painted in Marseille since 1998. She works in a beautiful studio, where she exhibits both her paintings and photographs.



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    the doorway gallery Irlande
    lilford gallery Angleterre
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    Expositions individuelles et foires internationales

    AFFORDABLE ART FAIR BATTERSEA LONDON du 21 au 24 octobre 2021
    FRESH ART FAIR cheltenham du 05 au 08 aout 2021

    2021 Art agency Angleterre
    2021 Lilford gallery Angleterre
    2021 Paragon gallery Angleterre
    2021 Doorway gallery Irlande
    2020 Lilford gallery Angleterre
    2020 hatch gallery Angleterre
    2020 Paragon gallery Angleterre
    2020 Doorway gallery Irlande
    2020 Galerie du lac France

    de 2018 à 2020

    Paragon gallery Angleterre
    Doorway gallery Irlande
    Lilford gallery Angleterre

    de 2015 à 2018

    galerie des lombards France
    galerie au dela des apparences France
    galerie du lac France

    "The painting of KO is at the same time a poem and its muse, because it makes work as much as it inspires. Undoubtedly because we recognize ourselves in it.

    Like a subtle invitation to the sharing of what makes us human, the painting of KO opens spaces of soft meditation where one likes to walk, to rest and to dream, sometimes even to cure: to recognize oneself in what makes work calms and nourishes.

    Corine KO works with ink and very diluted acrylic "for the speed of execution and its sometimes accidental course".

    The characters which animate the paintings of their so particular breath always release a certain timeless grace one is soon like his characters, at the same time transported and extremely present to oneself.

    Originally from the Paris region, KO has lived and painted in Marseille since 1998. After literary studies she turned to specialized animation where she was able to mix two of her passions, the world of childhood and creativity. She created many art projects in collaboration with teachers or in social structures.

    In 2002, noting the very important needs in this field, the association AUX ARTS ETC was born, having for vocation the animation at home of creative workshops intended for people, (adults or children) sick or handicapped. A project that has received the support of the European Social Fund.